Trip manager | 1st response medic
Georgia?.. Not the American state of Ray Charles but this little unknown country on the silk road in the far east at the gates of europe. this adventuring tour in georgia is ideal if you want to combine roads, offroads tracks and discover this country off the beaten track
🏁Trabzon, Borçka, Batumi, Vale, Vardzia, David Gareja monastery, Tbilissi, Mythical military road, kazbegi, Ananouri Forteress, Gori, Kutaïssi,Alpana, Zekari pass, Ushguli(most highest village in Europe), Mestia, Ozurgeti .., Finish Batumi🚩
12 days ride/ 2 days Off
Nights accommodation ( standard 2 bed , room shared basepacking, guesthouse, single Upgrage available *optional extras)
- The Tour leader can change routes according to the conditions of the riders, weather and road conditions
🚨 Those who have any health problems, high blood pressure, heart diseases, asthma, allergy, epilepsy or diseas defined, as on obstacle to participating in serious physical by health institutions, blood group, emergency phone number, should be report this situation ton ANATOLIAN COUNTRY TRACKS before the tour.
Health problems and expenses during the tour belong to the participant.
Check the insurance must cover emergency evacuation, medical bills, repatriation etc..
Each participant ACCEPT and DECLARES that they do not have a dangerous diseas to participate in the tour.
Rider (own bike): 2350€
Honda Africa Twin: 1900€
BMW 1200 GS: 1900€
One More Passenger: 640€
Single Room Supplement: 375€
Start Date: July 30, 2023
End Date: August 11, 2023